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A quest to stop the black bane. An adventure unfolds in this epic fantasy short story of wondrous creatures, clashing cultures, a mysterious evil force, and a race fighting against an unknown enemy determined to destroy them all.

During the previous full moon, the ancient salvus trees prepared to display their fall colors and stood sentry over the Florix tribes who lived in the branches below. But, as fast as storm clouds rolled in, a fatal black sludge attacked the plant life, poisoned the water, and left the forest people sick and dying. Painful black boils appeared on farmers’ and herb-gatherers’ hands and arms, and in mere days the killing disease spread to entire families. Within a month, the bane decimated entire villages. Nothing would stop the spread of death. Not even their healer’s magic.

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Published by Zee Kelley

In 2004, I began the creative writing journey with the one goal of writing about the lives of the people dwelling in my soul. Twice more, I tried to write the books, but still, the books were not the stories of my childhood fantasies. Now, after years of writing, and becoming an award-winning author, I am ready to write the books of Seataris. If you love rich, world-building, real-to-life characters, then you will love these four books. Come join me on this journey as the stories and characters unfold.

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